Monday, November 17, 2008

How to increase your sales beyond imagination

©Femi Adefioye. All Rights Reserved

Want to generate massive income, make more sales, simple right? But how many average small business owners do you think know how to sell? Letting their competitors stole their hard work. If you want to know how to sell more effectively which means putting more money into your pocket then read on, this could be the article that will change your mindset about selling.

Build a long-term value not a Short-term value.

An intelligent and smart entrepreneur knows it will be paid off to build a long-term value rather than the short one. You might lose some money initially, however, in the long term you will get many times return. The rule for any long-term value is success, it’s as simple as that, “make sure your customers are always happy”.

Put it in practical way, you can offer more bonuses that have some more values than the price they pay to buy your product.

You can call or send mail once in a while to know their progress. You should treat your customers as a long-term buddy. Buddies will not just take money from his or her friend and run away the next morning.

Always maintain a good relationship, follow through, this will make your customers to always referring you to their friends, associates, or families for many years to come. Jeff Bezos said: “If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful”. Your customers will spread the word, which can have a positive impact on your sales.

Focus on the selling first not the product.

You should avoid making the mistake of so many small business owners that have all their concentration on their product initially, rather than focusing on selling. You need to sell to make money. So focus on sell, sell and sell. Here are few ideas that might inspire you:

Go approach people. Whenever you go; to the mall, café, or club, there is nothing wrong with just saying hi, give your business cards and tell them about your business and everything you have to offer them. Tell them about the immediate benefit after buying from you, which can make them jump to your offer.

Be consistent, some people fold after making one timid request. They quit too soon. Keep asking until you find the answers. In sales there are usually four or five "no's" before you get a "yes." Jack Canfield said: “If you are not moving closer to what you want in sales (or in life), you probably aren't doing enough asking.” You should be persistence and never give up until you make those sales.

Put advertisement on newspaper. Put advertisement in a way that shows you are in authority. You can write article about your subject of expertise. You might not get paid in the beginning, but the credibility you will build during the years is what makes your business keep having momentum to keep alive.

Finally, make sure your product is really what you have claimed it to be, offer a good product for the continuity of your business. “I think it's very important that whatever you are trying to make or sell, or teach has to be basically good. A bad product and you know what? You won't be here in ten years.” Said by Martha Stewart. So make sure your product is good one, which will make people to keep coming back to you.

After all you have done, what is next is to wait and see the result of your efforts materializing in term of sales. Continue the process again and again for your new or your existing products.

To your success!

P>Notice - You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact, active and included with every reproduction.

©Femi Adefioye. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How to write a small business plan

©Femi Adefioye. All Rights Reserved

The first thing to do when starting a small business is to write a plan for your business, it is very essential and useful if you really want to focus yourself and get a whole picture of what you have to do in order to build your enterprise. A business plan is the road map for the success of your business.

What do you have to offer?

What are your products or what are your intended products? What are your products or services? What kind of income will these activities be generating or what is the expected range of income once the products are launched? Give answers to these questions giving a complete picture of the principal activity that you are engaged in or will be engaged in during the timeline of your business plan.

Where are you located?

Do you work from home or do you have a business premises? If you have a business location such as a store or factory, then explain about the size and capacity of this establishment. What is the business climate like in your area? Are there significant competitors and what are your prospects or advantages of competing in this market? Find answers to all these questions as best you can and give yourself and would-be investors a clear picture of where your business is situated geographically and with relation to your overall market.

How to make it happen?

Your sales and marketing research or plan should be outlined in this section. Explain how you intend to establish your product or service and what steps you will take to create or expand your customer base. How will you fund the start-up cost and the expansion of your business? Explain the source of your funds whether you have existing loans, your savings, borrowing from friends or liabilities. How much money do you need to raise in order to get realize your entire plan for the launching or expansion of your business? Explain how you are going to put your business idea into practice.

Having a good business plan is your key to success. A well-thought-out business plan forces you to think about the future and the challenges you will be facing. As long as your forecasts are realistic and you have done plenty of market research you will definitely come out with a good result. Go ahead with your plan and stick to it.

To your success!

Notice - You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact, active and included with every reproduction.

©Femi Adefioye. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Making your decision as an entrepreneur

©Femi Adefioye. All Rights Reserved

Decision making encompasses the process that leads up to and includes the choice of a course of action from among two or more alternatives, and these actions are meant to help to achieve the set goals by the entrepreneur.

Decision making connects the entrepreneurs presents circumstances to action that will take the business into the future. It is the process of choosing actions that are directed towards the solutions or problems, and also important to note that this process can be carried out by an entrepreneur.
It can be difficult to make decisions for a number of reasons. Sometimes it’s a matter of not having enough information. Other times, it’s simply a lack of confidence.

An entrepreneur, of course, should not make decision in isolation, while you are making your decision, other decisions are being made by people within the business i.e. your employees and those outside the business. Your employees and those outside the business should carried along in your decision making because their ideas and criticism can make the goals set achievable when entrepreneur project possible consequences of their own decision they must be conscious that other people’s decision may conflict or interact their own.

Different problems require types of decision making. Routine or minor maters, such as a return of merchandise, can be handled by a set procedure, a type of programmed decision. More important decision, such as the location of a new retail outlet or branch, require non-programmed decision, a specific solution created through a less structural process of decision making and problem solving. Because all decision involves future events, entrepreneur must also learn to analyze the certainty, risk and uncertainty associated with alternative courses of action.

No approach to decision making can guarantee that an entrepreneur will always make the right decision. But entrepreneur that make decisions intelligently are more likely than others to come up with high quality solutions.

To your success.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Steps to take before you start a small business

©Femi Adefioye. All Rights Reserved

Starting a small business is a wise and bold decision; the beginning task is usually the toughest step. Indeed, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. But I have realized that starting keeps most people stationary. Deciding to start means you have won “half of the battle” already!

The steps are as follows:

Preparing your self for the task.

This means you have to be organized, you need to set up a planning note book to draft your plans, keep track of appointments, to do list, errands to run, research to be carried out and set up work schedule so that you won’t be distracted and finally be composed and stick to your plan.

Choose a good business name.

You need a good name that will really tell people or your potential customers what you are i.e. if you are into real estate, you can add your name with it like, john’s real estate. And don’t forget to find out if that name has already being used by another person.

Decide the kind of business you can do.

This is very important, be careful in selecting that kind of business you intended going into either rendering services or selling of products it must be that thing you know you are capable of handling.

Do some findings on the business.

You really have to do some research, spend some time with people with experience, ask questions and gather information on that particular business that you wanted to do. And these will definately guides you against odds.

Write a business plan.

Every business begins with an idea and a business plan is needed to guide the investigation and development of the idea. This is all about the description of that business you want to offer i.e. services or selling of products, about your prospective customers, the strategy to be used and how much of money that will be needed to fund the business.

Decide where you will get the money to start.

There are different ways you can get a start-up capital e.g. your personal savings, loans, borrowing from friends, from family and you can look for somebody that can invest in your idea.

Choose good location for your business.

Your choice of location is very vital to the success of your business. You must consider the location in the regards of the customers, your employees, suppliers, e.t.c Decide the option of renting or buying your business site.

Register your business (license and permit).

After all your efforts you must not forget to register your business. Some countries a general business license if your services or products are taxable.

When you have done all the above mentioned, all you need is to be focused and stick with your plan. Don't be distracted because there going to be challenges and obstacles. But be strong and combat the problems intelligently because you are prepared and nothing can stop you now!

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An Entrepreneur: who is he

©Femi Adefioye. All Rights Reserved

Talking of an entrepreneur, it means we're talking about a starter, an innovative person that is ready to think "outside of the box". He is skillful person, that has a problem solving skills, and also, has that ability to take risk in a calculated way.

Who he really is:

A risk taker, who set up a business at a considerable risk, he takes the bold step in starting or venturing into a business without the fear of failure. He takes a calculated risk for him to avoid "getting his fingers burnt".

A decision maker, who is responsible for every action performed in the business which can decide the growth or the failure of the business, he takes smart decisions that can make the set goals achievable.

A leader, who posses that inner strength to succeed, he has a foresight, he sees the beyond things. He is that kind of person that "make things happen" and not watch things happen. He gives direction to the business which can decide the success of the business.

A focused person, who know what he wanted and set to achieve it. He is a determined person with goals and believes completely in his ability to achieve them. His self optimism can often been seen by others as flamboyance or arrogance but he's just too focused to spend too much time thinking about un-constructive criticism.

A composed person, who is wise and do things in order, he's a relaxed and sensitive person to avoid mistakes which can cost him the success of his business. He's not scared about challenges but faces it and tackles intelligently and smartly.

A creative person, who is resourceful, that person that posses the "skill of discovery", mental alertness, innovative and he is always looking for new ways to improve his business. He has a different way of thinking, different manner of approach towards things. His exploits will surely make achieve success with ease.

A passionate person, who loves what he's doing, he's comfortable doing what he likes and know how to do best. He's always optimistic and can never for once think of failure as an option. Running and carrying out his business activities is a pleasure form him He's going to be successful because he's doing what he loves doing!

He is an entrepreneur because he is everything that is mentioned above.
He is that person of many "success characters", filled with that drive to success in his business. And he is a wonderful person.

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Friday, September 5, 2008

How to be a successful entrepreneur

©Femi Adefioye. All Rights Reserved

Being an entrepreneur is more than just setting up a business and managing it, but it is about having the right attitude and the drive to succeed in the business an entrepreneur should have a way of thinking and posses some personal; qualities that will make him so successful in business an entrepreneur should be ambitious, the success is from the mind an inner drive to succeed to grow and flourish in their business and not just having a degree in business managment.

The secret tips includes :

Self confidence

An entrepreneur should be optimistic, have a healthy opinion of themselves and often have a strong and assertive personality. They should be focused , and determined to achieve them.


Entrepreneurs should be consistence, always on the move , hardworking, determination, full of energy and highly motivated. They should posses that drive to succeed and have an abundance of many entrepreneurs demand that they have to be motivated ,this is when all the energy is needed.

Result Oriented

Entrepreneur must have the needs for achievement, set massive goals for themselves and stay committed to achieving them regardless of the challenges and obstacles that gets in the way and will handle the situation smartly and wisely

Future Oriented

Entrepreneurs must have a foresight, planning ahead, set future goals that will decide where the business will be in the next couple of years.


Entrepreneurs should be open to change, if something is not working for them they simply change They are up to date with the latest technology or service techniques and are always ready to change if they see opportunities “congealed thinking is the forerunner of failure” make sure you are always receptive to new ideas.


If you want to be a successful entrepreneur the truth is “be your self” you can’t be anybody you can only learn from them.Don’t fake it, be natural like nature and you will be on your way to the top.

An entrepreneur should be a person of remarkable tenacity, strength of the mind. Successful and true entrepreneurs are resourceful, passionate and are comfortable fighting on the front line, the great ones are ready to be laughed and criticized in the beginning because they can see their path ahead and are too busy working towards their dream.

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